Where is the event exactly?

The event will be at a campsite in the Pacific Northwest, less than an hour drive from Portland International Airport. We will be releasing the exact location to those who have RSVP’d closer to the event, and will be providing a limited shuttle service to the site. RSVP for more info!

How can I keep up with Dual Power Gathering?

Use the "Tell Me More!" button at the bottom-right, or the sign-up button at the bottom of this page to be added to our mailing list. You can also reach out to us directly at DualPowerGathering@proton.me

I'd like to help out! What can I do?

Email us! We’ve got lots to do and would love the help! DualPowerGathering@proton.me

What accessibility accommodations are available at the event?

The event grounds have:

  • Multiple ADA-accessible campsites.
  • Heated restrooms with flushing toilets and hot showers.
  • The event will require masks. The grounds will have non-event goers in the area. We will do our best to keep distance between them and the event.

Are kids welcome?

Yep! Children and infants are encouraged to attend. There are even plans to have youth-organized sessions too so kids and teens can take an active role in creating the event!

Are pets welcome?

Service animals are more than welcome, but unfortunately the grounds do not allow other pets.